Matthias Schleifenbaum

Matthias Schleifenbaum specialises in German and European environmental and technical law as well as foreign trade law. He advises companies, financial investors and the public sector on regulatory contracts and disputes, on infrastructure projects in environmental and planning law and the law of fees and charges, as well as in review procedures for foreign investment control.
He has special expertise in the field of environmental law and the law of extended product responsibility as well as public product safety law. Matthias Schleifenbaum also has broad experience in environmental law and regulatory support for transactions in a wide range of industrial sectors.
Matthias Schleifenbaum is a founding partner of LEITFELD Rechtsanwälte. Prior to joining LEITFELD Rechtsanwälte, Matthias Schleifenbaum was a partner at a German law firm in Cologne and worked as a lawyer from 2007 to 2017 at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in public commercial law, most recently as a counsel.
Matthias Schleifenbaum studied law at the Universities of Bonn and Seville and completed his legal traineeship, which included stints at E.ON AG, Düsseldorf, and in the corporate law practice group of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. He was a research assistant at the University of Cologne and obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Environmental, Planning and Regulatory Law at Nottingham Law School (UK). In addition, he gained practical experience at Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) Cologne and McKinsey&Company, among others.
Matthias Schleifenbaum publishes on environmental and foreign trade law topics. He is a member of the Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht (Society for Environmental Law) and is the editor of the commentary on the Battery Act in the Großkommentar Umweltrecht (Large Commentary on Environmental Law) by Landmann/Rohmer and co-editor of the commentary by Giesberts/Hilf on the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act.
He is recommended by JUVE as a lawyer in environmental law, is one of the "Best Lawyers" in environmental law according to the Handelsblatt and is also listed by "The Legal 500 Germany" and the "International Advisory Experts".